Sinnoh Route 210 - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokmon encyclopedia
Publish date: 2024-08-27
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Sinnoh Route 210 | 210番道路 Route 210 |
Map descriptionThis narrow route is lined with deep, tall grass that tickles the noses of people straying off the path. The Cafe Cabin stands in a wood. The house special is freshly milked Moomoo Milk. A path made by clearing an overgrown canyon between mountains. It is always shrouded by a dense fog.DP A canyon covered in untamed nature. It is always shrouded by a dense fog.Pt Grandma Wilma's house stands alone in an isolated spot deep among mountains. |
Required for navigation | None |
Connecting locations |
 Location of Route 210 in Sinnoh. |
Pokémon world routes |

Route 210 (Japanese: 210ばんどうろ Route 210) is a route in central Sinnoh, connecting Route 215, Solaceon Town, and Celestic Town.
Route description
The first time the player travels on this route, they will be heading north from Solaceon Town. Tall grass surrounds a narrow pathway. A range of Trainers can be battled near the town exit, and many items can be found. The Café Cabin stands near the Route 215 junction. This is the only place in Sinnoh that Moomoo Milk can be purchased, and there are more battles inside.
Initially, it is impossible to travel north past the Café, as a gathering of Psyduck blocks the way. These Psyduck all suffer from a serious headache, and refuse to make way. Trainers are forced to head east, onto Route 215. Later, once the Secret Medicine has been obtained from Cynthia, the Psyduck can be cured and access north is granted. Tall grass, as in the southern area, grows rampant. This grass is so tall that players' bicycles cannot be used. This area seems to be a popular place for Ninja Boys to hide. Further north, the grass clears to give rise to fog. To ease travel, Defog may be used, although this is not compulsory. Grandma Wilma's house is nearby; Rock Climb must be used to access it. A winding series of bridges will eventually lead to Celestic Town, passing over accessible rivers that flow from a mountaintop lake. As soon as the player arrives in Celestic Town, any remaining fog will instantly clear.
Areas of interest
Café Cabin
Main article: Café CabinThis small restaurant is the only place to buy Moomoo Milk, a drink made by Miltank that heals sick Pokémon. Miltank can also be found on the surrounding route.
Grandma Wilma's house
Grandma Wilma, a Move Tutor, lives on the northern, foggy stretch of Route 210. Previously, she lived in a famous city of Dragon Tamers (possibly Blackthorn City), and due to this, she is able to teach the move Draco Meteor to a player's well-trained Dragon-type Pokémon.
South of the Psyduck
Between the Psyduck and the fog
Northern (foggy) section
Generation IV
Southern section
Pokémon | Games | Location | Levels | Rate |
 |  |  |
| D | P | Pt | | 19 | 30% |
| D | P | Pt | | 18 | 20% |
| D | P | Pt | | 18-20 | 30% | 50% | 30% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19-21 | 25% | 35% | 0% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19, 21 | 0% | 0% | 15% |
| D | P | Pt | | 18, 20 | 5% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19, 21 | 5% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19, 21 | 15% | 0% | 0% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19 | 0% | 5% | 5% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20 | 0% | 0% | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 21 | 0% | 0% | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20-21 | 15% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19 | 20% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19 | 10% | 10% | 0% |
| D | P | Pt | | 18-19 | 0% | 0% | 30% |
| D | P | Pt | | 18, 20 | 25% | 0% | 0% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20 | 0% | 5% | 5% |
| D | P | Pt | | 18, 20 | 25% | 0% | 0% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20 | 0% | 5% | 5% |
Special Pokémon |
| D | P | Pt | | 19 | 20% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20 | 2% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19, 21 | 11% |
| D | P | Pt | | 18, 20 | 8% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19, 21 | 8% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20 | 2% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19 | 20% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20, 21 | 11% |
| D | P | Pt | | 18 | 4% |
| D | P | Pt | | 21 | 4% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20 | 4% |
| D | P | Pt | | 19 | 4% |
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here. |
Northern (foggy) section
Pokémon | Games | Location | Levels | Rate |
 |  |  |
| D | P | Pt | | 25 | 20% |
| D | P | Pt | | 25-26 | 20% | 20% | 0% |
| D | P | Pt | | 26 | 0% | 0% | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 28-29 | 15% |
| D | P | Pt | | 26 | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 29-30 | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 27, 29 | 15% | 0% | 0% |
| D | P | Pt | | 29 | 0% | 5% | 5% |
| D | P | Pt | | 24 | 0% | 0% | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 27 | 0% | 0% | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 25 | 0% | 0% | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 27 | 0% | 0% | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 24-26 | 30% | 30% | 0% |
| D | P | Pt | | 25, 26 | 0% | 0% | 20% |
| D | P | Pt | | 27, 29 | 20% | 20% | 0% |
| D | P | Pt | | 29 | 0% | 0% | 10% |
| D | P | Pt | | 27 | 20% | 30% | 20% |
| D | P | Pt | | 24 | 20% |
| D | P | Pt | | 28 | 20% |
Surfing |
| D | P | Pt | | 20-40 | 90% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20-30 | 90% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20-40 | 10% |
Fishing |
| D | P | Pt | | 3-10 | 100% |
| D | P | Pt | | 3-15 | 100% |
| D | P | Pt | | 10-25 | 55% |
| D | P | Pt | | 10-25 | 45% |
| D | P | Pt | | 15-20 | 40% |
| D | P | Pt | | 25-35 | 5% |
| D | P | Pt | | 30-55 | 55% |
| D | P | Pt | | 20-50 | 45% |
| D | P | Pt | | 30-55 | 45% |
Special Pokémon |
| D | P | Pt | | 25-26 | 22% |
| D | P | Pt | | 26 | 8% |
| D | P | Pt | | 29-30 | 8% |
| D | P | Pt | | 26 | 8% |
| D | P | Pt | | 29-30 | 8% |
| D | P | Pt | | 25-26 | 22% |
| D | P | Pt | | 28-30 | 22% |
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here. |
Additionally, each segment has one Honey Tree where wild Pokémon can appear.
Generation VIII
Southern section
Northern (foggy) section
Additionally, each segment has one Honey Tree where wild Pokémon can appear.
Trainer | Pokémon |
South of the Psyduck |
| |
| |
 | | Ranchers Ava and Matt ニナとボブ Nina and Bob Reward: $5,208
| |
| |
 | | Twins Teri and Tia マヤとルイ Maya and Rui Reward: $1,848
|  |
| |
| |
| |
Rematch |
 | | Rancher Marco ザック Zack Reward: $1,672/2,464
|  |
| |
 | | Twins Teri and Tia* マヤとルイ Maya and Rui Reward: $2,880
|  |
| |
 | | Twins Teri and Tia* マヤとルイ Maya and Rui Reward: $4,320
|  |
| |
Between the Psyduck and the fog |
| |
| |
| |
Northern (foggy) section |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
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Rematch |
| |
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Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon. |
In the anime

Route 210 was first featured in The Psyduck Stops Here!, where Ash and his friends found their road blocked by a trio of Psyduck that refused to let them pass. By sneaking past the Psyduck with the help of his Gliscor while Brock and Dawn distracted the Duck Pokémon, Ash was able to figure out that the Psyduck they were simply protecting as others of their kind with ready-to-hatch Eggs. After driving away a trio of Muk that had taken over the Psyduck's habitat, Lake Psyduck, Ash and his friends resumed their journey.
From Camping It Up! to One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!, Route 210 served as the site of the Pokémon Summer Academy.
In the manga
Route 210 in Pokémon Adventures 
Pokémon Adventures
Route 210 first appeared in a flashback in Magnificent Meditite & Really Riolu I, where it was revealed that Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum had been forced to take a detour due to a mass of Psyduck blocking the route.
In Stunning Staravia & Stinky Skuntank I, it was revealed that the Psyduck roadblock had been organized by Team Galactic in order to direct Platinum's supposed-to-be bodyguards, Paka and Uji, to Veilstone City.
The route reappeared in Suffering Psyduck, where Cynthia used the Secret Potion to cure the Psyduck from their headache, making them move and clearing the route. In Problematic Probopass and Mad Magnezone I, the three Sinnoh Pokédex holders were lead through the foggy part of the route to Celestic Town by Cynthia's grandmother and her Chingling.
- Ninja Boy Davido says that he heard about a ninja Gym Leader. This could be either Koga (at that time a former Gym Leader) or his daughter Janine (who succeeded him as Gym Leader).
- In Platinum, Belle & Pa Ava & Matt own an underleveled Rapidash, at level 24. Rapidash normally evolves from Ponyta at level 40.